
Giuseppe Attoma Pepe


Giuseppe a crée l’agence attoma à Paris en 1997, après des premières expériences variées dans le milieu extraordinairement riche et stimulant du design milanais des années ’90. Depuis, attoma est devenue une référence dans le domaine du design de services, dont elle a été l’un des pionniers en France, et du design de l’expérience. En 2019, Giuseppe a décidé de rejoindre le groupe Assist Digital, avec lequel il a trouvé une résonance évidente concernant l’attention portée à la qualité des relations humaines et à l’engagement éthique dans le business.


This site is a place to share thoughts, experiences, and projects from a few decades of work in the field of design. The goal is to satisfy curiosities, learn from the past, and therefore offer a glimpse into the future of design. The site is curated by Giuseppe Attoma Pepe, a Design Strategist. Born in Genoa, Italy in 1957, Giuseppe founded the Attoma agency in Paris in 1997, which later became Assist Digital France.


This website is designed, developed, and maintained by

Taking Tiger Mountain

Association Loi 1901 (France)

N° RNA  W751272003

68, rue du Bac

75007 Paris – France


Giuseppe Attoma Pepe


This website is hosted by Gandi, a web access provider.

Gandi SAS

63, 65 Boulevard Massena

75013 Paris, France

Tel : +33170377661


This website is powered by WordPress, a website content management system. Unless otherwise stated, the images and texts published on this website are © Tiger Tiger Mountain.


Mapping Urban Mobility

A little background: in early 2012 I had the pleasure of chatting with Loup Cellard, Data Scientist and Digital Humanities researcher, at the time a contributor to the online magazine Strabic. Loup was interested in the evolution of urban cartography, at a time when the Attoma agency had just finalized the UX/UI design of the […]

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12 July 2024


Hommage à Étapes : information as a service

“Graphic artists, typographers, designers, illustrators, photographers, or any other image-makers. You who have filled the pages of our 272 issues; you who have amazed us and passed on the passion of your professions; you who have read and supported us: Thank you.” These were the words used by editor-in-chief Caroline Bouige on August 3, 2023, […]

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12 July 2024


Information design means making a difference legible

I had the good fortune and great pleasure of collaborating for many years with Groupe Chronos, founded in 1993 and headed until 2015 by sociologist Bruno Marzloff, an illustrious researcher, author and consultant in the fields of mobility and work transformation. With Bruno and his colleagues, including Laurence Sellincourt, Léa Marzloff and Julie Rieg, we […]

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11 May 2024
